Category Archives: Living Positive

how the 5 second rule has saved over 100 lives

100 Lives Saved By 5 Second Rule

I bet this has happend to you because it’s happened to me several times. I have a piece of food in my hand that I’m getting ready to eat and boom, I drop it. But I hurry to get it picked up off the floor or ground before 5 seconds is up because we all know, after 5 seconds, that food is no longer consumable.

Not THAT 5 Second Rule

While that 5 second rule is a good one, I don’t know how much science is behind it. Nor do I know if it has saved any lives. I’m guessing probably not.

The 5 second rule that I’m talking about is the one that Mel Robbins discovered and wrote a book about. The 5 second rule that has saved at least 100 lives.

How do we know it’s saved neraly 100 lives and probably more by now? Because that’s how many people have written Mel to tell her that they were on the brink of ending it all, of committing suicide, when they decided to apply the 5 second rule.

How It Works

It’s so simple you probably won’t believe it. But you should. And you should also apply it because it works. And it works in more ways than one.

Steve Montgomery was ready to end his life. He was on top of the Mersey Ferry and decided it wasn’t worth living anymore. So Steve walked to the edge and started the countdown while he tried to work up the courage to jump.

5… 4… 3… 2… 1…


He didn’t jump. He shifted his mindset in an instant and decided to get help. The medical professionals discovered that he had low dopamine, severe depression and he lost 70 pounds.

Those 5 seconds literally saved Steve’s life. Steve didn’t really want to die, he just didn’t want to deal with what was beating him down and keeping him down day after day and night after night. That’s the case with most people who take their lives. Thank God for the 5 second rule and that he sought help.

If he hadn’t taken the time to countdown he would probably no longer be with us today.

It’s Merely A Tool

The 5 second rule is merely a tool. It’s a tool to push yourself in the moment to have the courage to do what you have to do. It works wonders in every aspect of life. You don’t have to be on the brink to reap the benefits.

Watch this brief video and then start putting it to use.

You can grab the book here.

The end is never the end until it’s the end. You can always move on. ~Steve Montgomery.

Do you have this?

Do you have this?

Last night I was watching a show on Netflix called
The Ozarks. It’s about an accountant who’s laundering
money for the drug cartel and things get a little out of
hand. Okay, things can’t get a little out of hand with the
Cartel, but you know what I mean.

If you like shows like Breaking Bad or suspense/thriller
type stuff, I strongly recommend it.

Now, the important stuff..

So what’s a show called The Ozarks have to do with your

More than you think.

Marty Byrde, played by Jason Bateman, has somewhat turned
this little town upside down. He’s taken over businesses so
he can launder his money. In the meantime he’s had to hire a
few people to help him.

One of these people is Ruth.

She comes from a ruff background. We’re talking trailer trash,
dad just got outta prison ruff. We’re talkin redneck of redneck

Ruth thought getting a double-wide trailer might be as good
as life ever gets, if it even would ever get that good, before
she met Marty Byrde.

But now Marty is paying her a decent wage and she can
kinda see the light at the end of the rainbow. She can see
that there just might be a better life out there for her. Even
though Marty’s money is dirty, she’s willing to learn all
she can about earning more and making a better life for

Ruth is starting to believe.

That is until her convict dud(dad) starts telling her she’s
just a Langmore(her last name) and that life isn’t for her
type. He even tells her that they’re cursed. Stuck in the
dirt hole trailer park forever.

All she really wants is a nice house with flowers & maybe
a picket fence.

Now when her dud starts telling her she’s cursed you can
see it squeezing the life out of her dreams. But so far it
hasn’t stopped her. She’s still moving forward. She’s still
doing what Marty tells her because she knows the type of
lifestyle he has and she knows she can have it too if she
LISTENS and learns what he’s teaching. Even if she knows
she’s not going to work for him forever.

Now that she has seen the “other side” of life, she..


And that is one thing you have to have if you’re going to
change your life.


You have to believe. Then you have to do. Then you will
have the life you desire.

Start believing,


P.S. If you BELIEVE your life can be different, better, and it can, then you need to step up to the plate & make the next 100 days count. Take this challenge and it will change your life.. forever.

P.P.S. Or you can watch this video first.
Answer the Call - 100 Day Challenge

The Secrets to Happiness

I don’t know you, but I do know one thing about you.

How can I know anything about you if I don’t know you, you ask?

Well, it’s simple. Everyone wants to know how to achieve happiness. And the thing I know without a doubt, about you, is that you want to be happy. So I’m going to share the secrets to happiness with you.

I stumbled across these secrets from Ted Nicholas awhile back. And Ted Nicholas knows a few things about happiness. He also knows a few things about business, marketing and longevity.

I’ve added my personal thoughts in the ( ) following the initial statement.

The Secrets to Happiness

1. Decide to be happy. (Easier said than done? Maybe. But try it before you knock it. Get up tomorrow and tell yourself, “I’m going to be happy today.” Then when someone starts dripping negativity on you or gossip, remind yourself of the decision you made).

2. Make happiness a priority. (This means you might, no you’ll definitely, have to stop hanging around certain people. If you can’t avoid them completely, make your encounters as short as possible. You know the people I’m talking about. And tell yourself every morning that you’re going to be happy today. After all, it is a decision you have to make).

3. Accept yourself, forgive others and stop making judgments of them or yourself. (You are you. You can’t be someone else so stop trying to be. And believe it or not, some people are wishing they were you. Yep, it’s true. You have gifts that NO ONE else on this planet has. Get better at the things you’re good at and quit trying to be good at the things you’re not good at. If someone has wronged you, forgive them and move on. That doesn’t mean you like them or have to hang out with them. But holding a grudge to the grave isn’t going to damage anyone but yourself. And don’t judge people, especially yourself. You don’t know what the other person’s story is. They could be terminally ill or have a sick child and that may be why they’re acting like an asshole. There’s countless things that could be going on in someone’s life that you know nothing about. Be kind to them anyway. Your act of kindness might be exactly what they need at that moment. And it could completely change their attitude. When you screw up, and you’re going to, we all do, don’t beat yourself up over and over. Accept whatever it is that happened, apologize if you need to, but move on as soon as possible. Keep moving forward and trying to become a better person).

4. Live in the present moment. It’s all you have now and all you will ever have. (In other words, don’t waste what you have and enjoy it while you can. The last time I saw my dad it was around 4pm and he was standing in my entryway playing monsters with my kids. Roaring like the Abominable Snowman and they ran by smiling and screaming. That night he was out in the field checking on his horses and dropped dead of a massive heart attack. You never know when your time on this earth is up. Make the most of it. Make the most of every moment God has given you).

5. Discover the enormous power of gratitude for all your blessings. Create a daily gratitude diary. (There’s a lot of bad things happening in the world and there’s a ton of problems you encounter throughout life. But… there’s a lot of great stuff happening in your life too. And when you start focusing on ALL the good that’s happening, and showing gratitude for ALL the good that’s happening in your life, you’ll forget about most of the crap. Try it. You’ll thank me.)

6. Move! Walk or swim for at least 30 minutes each day. (This speaks for itself. And don’t say you don’t have time. If you can’t give up your favorite TV show, then put a freakin treadmill in front of the TV. But move. Do something. You’ll be feeling better in no time).

7. Give all you can afford to suitable children’s charities. My favorites are The Hole in the Wall Gang and Make-a-Wish Foundation. (No child chose their dire circumstances. Do what you can to improve the life of a child and you’ll change the world).

8. Listen to beautiful music and go dancing at every opportunity. (Music moves the soul. It soothes and inspires. And if you don’t dance, start. Even if you just stand at the side of the room & shake it a little you’ll feel better.

9. Read romantic poetry often. (There’s nothing more beautiful than love).

10. Do not fully trust the country of your birth to provide a safe passport forever. In this uncertain world, obtain a legal second passport for insurance in case you ever need it.

11. Stop fully trusting any government in the world with your assets and freedom. For safety, at the barest minimum live a three-flag life. Place your money in one country. Set up your business in a second country. Live in a third country. I live a five-flag life. (The government is not your friend).

12. Let yourself cry. Whether you experience tears of joy or sadness, crying often is one of the most beneficial things physically and psychologically you can ever do. (Crying = happiness? Yep. It’s a way to show your emotions and you need to let those tears out. Crying is NOT a sign of weakness and there is no shame in it. When my kids were younger I could look at them lying in bed and just start crying because I love them so much. Now I find myself crying watching a movie or a show because I can relate to different situations. Have you ever heard someone say, “I need a good cry?” Good is the key word. It let’s things out. Then you can move on).

To Your Happiness

I’m so pleased to share what I’ve discovered about happiness with you.

My own commitment to living fully has deepened as will yours.

Best of all, that which I have most wanted to give to others I value and love has been given to me.

Best wishes to you on your quest. Your happiness level will inevitably increase just as sure as night follows day. When you experience the happiness you deserve, I would love to hear from you about your experience.

~Ted Nicholas

A Better World

In order to make the world a better place, I believe we need to share those things that make it better when we discover them. I hope this list helps you discover happiness for yourself.
