It was late at night and we were in the middle of nowhere. Eastern Colorado to be precise. And if you’ve ever been out in that area then you know I’m not exaggerating that much when I say the middle of nowhere. It’s not like being stuck in the middle of the Sahara Desert, but close
Now this was back in the days before there were 24/7 gas pumps. I know that’s hard for some people to imagine, but they haven’t always existed. But if a town did have a 24/7 gas pump it was operated strictly on the honor system. And the gas station owner didn’t have to worry much at all about being ripped off. But I digress.
Anyway, there we were. A couple of friends and myself burning down the interstate for a weekender in the mountains. I can’t remember if we were going mountain biking or skiing. Either way it was going to be better than working. As I was driving along I noticed I was running low on fuel and it was getting late. So I decided to look for the next station. I didn’t know if we had enough gas to get to Denver or not and I didn’t want to run out in the middle of BFE. Ask someone what those letters stand for if you don’t know.
It wasn’t much too longer and I saw a gas station up ahead so I took the exit when I got to it. As I rolled into the parking lot it quickly came to my attention that they were closed. And not only were they closed but they didn’t have 24/7 pumps or an honor system. I wasn’t really shocked that they didn’t have the honor system though.
Now we had two choices. Get back on the road and see how far we can make it or get back on the road and see how far we can make it. Back on the road it was.
So there we go cruising back down the interstate when all of the sudden my Mazda started spittin and sputtering and spittin some more.
Son. Of. A. B*tch.
That’s the first thing that came to my mind when I started to pull onto the shoulder. But then I started begging; ‘come on God just get us to the next station, PLEASE?’
And she caught. The car started running smoothly and back onto the main lane I went. Holy sh*t, was this a miracle? I still think it was because it wasn’t much further down the road and she started spitting and sputterin again. I thought, ‘ok, that’s it we’re out of gas for sure this time.’
But nope. I can’t explain it but all of the sudden she started purring like a kitten again. So back onto the Interstate I went but I knew it was just a matter of time. Then, in the distance, I could see the Tomahawk Truck Stop. It was like seeing a fresh body of water after being stranded in the desert for days. ‘Come on baby, you can make it,’ I said encouragingly to my little Mazda 323.
Then as we were just about to the exit she died. Just like that. But I had momentum and I was going to use it for all it was worth. I looked both ways as I came to the stop sign and kept right on going and rolled right up next to the gas pump. Woo-wee! What a relief.
If you’re a cop and you’re reading this I’m sorry. And statute of limitations so you can’t touch me. But I had to do what I had to do. I honestly can’t believe we made it. I actually pulled over on the shoulder not once, but twice, thinking I was for sure out of gas.
So why’d I share this story?
Because a lot of times this is how life is. And let’s be honest, there’s A LOT of shit happening in the World right now.
When you start spittin and sputterin you have to reach deep down inside, then call out to a higher power and/or just let some creative expletives fly and stay committed to your destination. Sometimes when we think we’re out of gas, when we’re ready to five up we find a little bit more to get us a little bit further. That’s what it’s really about too. Just getting a little bit further at a time. Especially when we’re struggling. We might have to take our eye off the big goal and focus on the next step.
Do you relate at all?
Think about to situations when you thought you were ready to give up and realize that you’re a badass because you have conquered and moved on past EVERY situation that has tried to stop you.