Tag Archives: persevere

When Did You Give Up?

Do you remember the day you graduated from high school?

Were you going to set the world on fire and show everyone how you had all the answers to living life? Maybe you were going to be a college and then a pro athlete.

Or were you going to develop a cure for cancer?(I believe there is a cure by they way, there’s just too much money being made by not curing it).

Did Donald Trump or Sir Richard Branson inspire you to be the next business tycoon and become a millionaire by 30 or 40? Was being a ski or beach bum your greatest aspiration? It doesn’t sound that bad actually. I’d take the slopes myself. And if I chose that path now, I’m sure the government would be more than willing to enable me that lifestyle.

But I digress…

Then Reality Hit…

It doesn’t matter if you went to college or not because it was more than likely a very short period of time before you realized just how fast expenses ate up your money and work ate up all your time. Unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Then none of this is going to make any sense to you at all.

But for those living in reality…

It wasn’t long before you entered the work force as a full time employee. Taking that job as a ‘stepping stone’ towards the top. But you still had dreams of opening that million dollar business or stepping back onto the field/court one more time to see if you had what it takes.

Then you fell in love and in no time wedding bells were ringing and there was a bun in the oven. Before you knew it there was three rug rats tugging on your pant leg every night as soon as you got home from work. That job you took as a stepping stone had now turned into an 8 year step.

You find there’s always more month at the end of the money and your belt is now in the last hole before you have to buy a new one… that you can’t afford.

Family vacations are trips to gramma’s… across town.

The Jones’s

And somehow you’ve convinced yourself this is as good as it’s going to get.

You’ve ‘settled’ for mediocrity.

After all, Jim Bob next door told you your business idea wouldn’t work because he’s got a master’s degree in Miller Time and he’s in great shape… he’s ROUND! And you’ve convinced yourself it’s easier to sit there with Jim Bob and solve the world’s problem’s than it is to actually do something about it.

Besides, the economy is in shambles and you’ve got great job security.

Happy… Happy… Happy…

You might be happy as a clam in mud, and that’s great.

More power to you.

But chances are you had dreams at one time and someone talked you out of them. Someone or something got inside your head and got you to quit. And chances are you quit at one of two things. Getting in better shape and losing weight or making more money and having financial freedom. Maybe you’re one of the crazy ones and wanted the best of both worlds. To be fit and rich. Because you used to be a good athlete and take care of yourself. But since you didn’t make it at the next level you just let yourself go.

It doesn’t really matter what it is you quit.

You quit.

What does matter is if you get back in the saddle again or not. Because if you’re reading this you’re still sucking air and the man upstairs hasn’t called you to come home yet.

Now you have a choice.

Spend the rest of your nights wallowing in misery with Jim Bob…

…or quit listening to the naysayers and making excuses, and build the life for yourself and family you once dreamed about.

It’s only too late if you decide it’s so.

Just Do It

Just Do ItJust do it.

You have been putting it off for too long and it’s been creating a lot of unnecessary stress for you.

Just do it.

Take a deep breath, get still. Visualize the worst case scenario. After doing that, see yourself in your mind’s eye being stronger, operating from a place of integrity and personal power as you release every negative habit, situation and person in your life. Stop the craziness now.

Just do it.

If you don’t do it now, you will regret it. If you don’t do it now, you will look back at life one day and ask yourself, ‘What took me so long? Why did I waste so much valuable time?’ If you don’t do it now, it will continue to take its toll on you mentally, emotionally, financially and physically. The cost is too high.

Just do it.

You are dying inside. You are unhappy, you are miserable and you can’t take it anymore.

Just do it.

It’s time to be courageous enough to live your truth. Make the move to express a part of yourself that you have been suppressing; that part of yourself that you have kept in the closet and now wants to get out. It’s time for the authentic you to come forth. Take your stand in the world and do, for once in your life, that which gives your life and your heart the greatest sense of freedom, fulfillment and purpose.

Just do it.

You have greatness within you.

~Les Brown

You Reap What You Sow

If that doesn’t inspire you to take action I’m not sure anything will. Les Brown was born in an abandoned building with a twin brother and adopted by the sweet giving, Ms Mamie Brown. All the odds were stacked against him but he didn’t care. He had a dream and a goal and now he’s one of the most recognized names in the world of personal development and motivational speaking.

Les could’ve let his circumstances hold him back, but instead he used them as a driving force to make life better for him and everyone around him.

Change is hard. Taking risks is scary. Stepping outside of that comfort zone isn’t easy. But that comfort zone probably isn’t that comfortable either. I’d even venture to bet that you’re in the comfort zone you’re in because of how someone told you to live your life. And/or you’re living your life to make someone else happy while you drown in misery.

Only you know what it is that you want and need to do that’s going to improve your life. It’s either an action that adds something or someone to improve your life or an action that eliminates something, or someone, from your life. Either way…