This is how you finish strong.
Last Friday night I was watching some MMA fights. That’s Mixed Martial Arts for those of you who don’t know what MMA stands for.
During one of the fights one fighter took a swing, a right hook if you will, and connected. When he hit his opponent in the face the lights went out. The guy he hit fell over like a giant Oak Tree being cut down in the forest and bounced off the canvas.
I was kinda shocked by what happened next though.
The guy who just hit him jumped on top of him to give him some more. But the ref pulled him off and threw him like a rag doll before he could do anymore damage.
The fight was over?
But why did this guy jump on him after it was clear he was out cold. Totally unresponsive like a drunken bum passed out in an alley?
Because he wanted to make sure he finished strong. He wanted to make sure there was no way his opponent was going to get back up.
Just like any competitor running toward the finish line or watching the clock count down.
They finish strong. They don’t quit until it is over.
You should too.
The last 100 days of 2018 are coming up and there’s no reason for you to coast to the end and wait until the new year to reset your goals.
That’s what everyone does and most of those people don’t accomplish jack squat year after year after year.
You’re not like most people though.
So you’re going to love this.
It’s going to guide you through the last 100 days of 2018 so YOU finish strong and accomplish more than you set out to do this year.
Plus, the momentum is going to launch you into having a kick ass 2019.
Finish strong,
P.S. Don’t wait to check this. It’s a 100 day challenge. You know how fast time goes by and how much you can accomplish in such a short amount oftime if you have the right guidance. Get start here.