I was driving down the street today when I noticed this sign next to a church. I usually read it as I drive by because often times it has a really good message on it. Sometimes they’re witty and sometimes they’re deep. But they’re almost thought provoking and the message I read on it today was definitely that. It read: “self doubt is an inside job.”
Think About It
I’m sure some people drove by it and didn’t even notice it. Others probably read it and forgot about it as soon as they passed it. Some people probably didn’t understand it. But me, it really got me thinking. Or questioning more so, I guess. Think about it. Shouldn’t we be our own best friend instead of our worst enemy? Of course we should be. Then why do we beat ourselves up when there’s plenty of others who are more than willing to take a shot at us and cut us down whenever they’re given a chance?
After all, we were created in the image of God. And if that’s the case, which it is, we’re pretty damn awesome beings. So why do we beat ourselves up? Why do we sell ourselves short and not even try to achieve something we truly desire? Is it because we tried something once and failed? Is it because we were verbally abused when we were young and told we’d never amount to anything? Is it because we’re listening to other people’s input too much? You know who I’m talking about too. I’m talking about the so called experts who tell you it’ll never work. And the only reason they’re telling you that is because they don’t want to see you do something, achieve something, they’re not willing to do. It’s easier for them to try and keep you down on their level than it is to encourage you to better yourself. Or maybe you even saw someone else try something you want to do and fail. So then you tell yourself if they can’t do it then I can’t do it. Which is a total bullshit approach and copout to anything.
The Bottom Line
Do you want to know the truth? The truth is it doesn’t really matter why we have self doubt. The truth is we all have it at some point in our lives. The truth is that in order to accomplish the things you want to accomplish in life you have to destroy that self doubt. The truth is you want to destroy that self doubt that’s holding you back because you hate it. Who doesn’t?
Some of the people you see who are beaming with so much confidence they could blind you with it are people who have been encouraged their entire lives. They’ve always had someone cheering for and believing in them. They have no reason to have any self doubt because they’ve always been told they can accomplish anything they set their mind to. But do you know what? They still have a at least a little bit of self doubt from time to time. I guarantee it.
The Self Image
Have you ever used one of those apps in your phone that change the way you look? You can make yourself look funny, fat, skinny, or however you want to make yourself look. There’s an infinite number of effects you can use to make yourself look different. Well that’s what we need to do to change how you see yourself on the inside. Because that self doubt isn’t coming from anything that’s happening on the outside. It’s all because of how you see yourself… your self image is everything.
If there’s no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm. ~African Proverb
You see, you’ve already succeeded at and accomplished a lot in your life. But since you downplay them you don’t consider what you’ve done as accomplishments. Lucky for you you can change all that. And you can do it by simply changing how you see yourself in your mind. After all, everything starts with a thought. And how you think about yourself says it all.
If you’re ready to remove your self doubt, improve your self image and discover the key to a happier, more successful life I can’t think of a better resource than the book Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. This book has sold over 60 million copies and changed more people lives than anything out there. Now make your life another one that it helps change. You deserve it.