Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is an American trained microbiologist who now lives in Germany. He says that what the governments are doing with the vaccines is criminal. He also says the Covid-19 pandemic is a fraud because it is based on case and death statistics that are 99% false. Plus, the mRNA vaccines are, not only loaded with poisons, they alter the natural immune system in such a way that it will greatly overreact when the victims are exposed later to almost any pathogen including the common flu. They will be attacked by their own immune system, a process known as autoimmune disorder. These attacks are more deadly than the disease itself. Dr. Bhakdi begs people not to take the vaccine, especially if they already have taken a first shot. If they do, he says, they will cause a decimation of the world’s population.
Watch this video. He has nothing to gain by sharing this information with you. But possibly a lot to lose.
You should also read this article from John Ioannidis, an extremely well respected Stanford University epidemiologist, with very impressive credentials. He calls out the media for panicking the public over Covid-19.