Tag Archives: fitness

What Would Spartacus Name Be Today


Once upon a time, a long, long time ago a great warrior was born.

The year was 111 B.C.

His name was Spartacus.

He was a Thracian gladiator who, along with the Gauls, Crixus, Gannicus, Castus, and Oenomaus, was one of the escaped slave leaders in the Third Servile War, a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic. Little is known about Spartacus beyond the events of the war. But one thing is for certain, he was a badass and carried a physique that looked as if he were chiseled out of stone.

That statue is not enhanced to make him look better than he looked. It is really how he looked. And it’s how all the gladiators looked. Even the common folk weren’t fat. They may not have looked like they were chiseled out of stone, but they didn’t look like Jabba The Hutt either.

But one has to wonder..

Would Spartacus Be Fatacus Today?

If you look around you, and I hate to say it, but maybe if you just look in the mirror, you’ll notice how waist lines have expanded.. significantly. And it’s happening in America more than the rest of the world.

I’m not going to throw all the numbers at you, but obesity has reached epidemic levels that exceed 33% in the USA. It may be even as high as 50% now in adults and around 30% in kids.

It’s sad.

It really is. It’s a huge problem(no pun intended) and it’s got to get fixed because obesity leads to other health issues. Not to mention having a poor self image and low self-esteem.

No One Wants To Be Fat

In today’s politically correct world, calling someone fat is frowned upon. But if you’re going to fix a problem or issue, you have to call it what it is. Fat is not ‘big boned.’ Fat is not ‘extra curvy.’

Fat is fat.

Sure, some people do have bigger bone structures than others and they can’t do anything about that. A lot of big boned people are very attractive and physically fit. They’re just big people.

However, when a fat person passes themselves off as ‘big boned’ they’re lying and they’re in denial. They just don’t want to do anything about their problem. And if they honestly don’t have a problem being fat, that’s perfectly fine. But they are a tiny minority of people.

Don’t Be Fatacus

If the word Fatacus offends you, then you’re not the person I’m looking to help. I want people who are ready and willing to admit they’re fat and are ready to do something about it. I want people who are ready to be fit and healthy and LIVE the life they want.

If that’s you, then you need to look at this right now and choose YOUR solution.

I’m here to help, not call you name.

Just be honest about your problem and we’ll find a solution.

Let’s get busy,


P.S. If you want to get started, but before you REALLY commit you just want to see what kind of results you can get, try this 14 day Quick Start.

What Makes You Happy?


Are You Happy?

Do you ever ask yourself that question? Or do you ask yourself why you’re not happy?

If you’re not.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but it seems like a lot of people in today’s world are unhappy. But they have fancy cars, nice clothes, warm homes and big t.v.’s. So it doesn’t really make sense. Or is it proof that stuff doesn’t actually make people happy?

Everyone is going a million miles an hour to get somewhere(that they most likely don’t want to be). I’m of course talking about working at a job they don’t like… or hate. And they don’t even really know how or why they ended up doing what they do for a job.

Then after work they have to get the kids to two or three different courts or fields for sports. And then they have to get food on the table for supper at 9pm when everyone is finally home. More times than not though, people are picking up a bag of grease and sodium from a fast food place that fills them up, but it also makes them feel worse. The fast food makes them fat and lethargic so they don’t feel like doing anything. Plus they beat themselves up for being fat. This also contributes to their unhappiness.

The Rat Race

A rat race is an endless, self-defeating, or pointless pursuit. It conjures up the image of lab rats racing through a maze to get the “cheese” much like society racing to get ahead financially.

But then what?

What do you do after you get the money? You have to know why you want it and how it’s going to change your life. After all, it’s the experiences of life that make us happy. Not the stuff. If you don’t know why you want something it doesn’t matter how you’re going to get it. Because the chances are great that you’re not going to get it. You’re not going to pursue anything in life without a big enough reason. A big enough why.

People get so busy in the rat race, a race they never really wanted to be a part of in the first place, that they forget what they’re really living for in the first place. Their dreams get swept under the table and they get caught up trying to keep up with the Joneses. They’re worried about what everyone else is doing and about what everyone else is thinking about them. They let the wrong people influence them. People that aren’t really thinking about them at all.

The Perfect Combination

True happiness is achieved through a healthy combination. You have to be sound mentally and take care of yourself physically. It’s ok to be a little crazy, we all are. It’s the people who worry about it that have issues.

Start taking care of yourself and think about what it is that you’re truly passionate about. Light that fire that you had in you when you were younger, before life started kicking your ass and distracting you from the lifestyle you truly wanted to create.


This movement of people doing more and having more but being more unhappy has been going on for a long time. But you can turn that around for yourself at any given moment.

Watch the video below from Jack Lalanne about unhappy people and how you can discover happiness again in a few simple steps.