This is How Incredibly Successful People THINK

Do you have a dream?

Of course you do. So what’s holding you back?

You may not like the answer, but the answer might be you.

A lot of people come up with ideas and have NO IDEA how they’re going to follow through and make it happen. Thomas Edison claims to have made around 10,000 attempts before getting the light-bulb to work.

Successful people look at ideas and challenges differently. After the initial idea, they set out to make it happen. They’re determined to figure it out.

A lot of people want to learn how to make money on the internet, but have no idea how to build a list or build a website or anything technical. Someone that’s going to be successful at making money on the internet is going to figure out and learn how to do it. Whereas someone that’s going to fail at this, and probably everything else they don’t know how to do right away, is going to look at the problem and just give up. Because they convince themselves that it’s too hard and they’re not smart enough.

That’s not true.

No one is an overnight success. No one.

If you’re going to become someone different or do something you’ve never done, you’re going to have to do something you’ve never done. This relates to relationships, business, parenting, fitness and many other things in life.

Don’t shy away from change.

It’s too easy to get ‘comfortable’ and watch life pass you by. But it’s really not that comfortable because it’s not who or what you want to be or do. It’s called the ‘comfort zone’ because people get in a zone and stay there. Even though they don’t like it, it feels safe to them and it’s what they know. It’s all they know for some people. But you had to learn what you learned to get you where you’re at. So if you want to become more successful you’re going to have to learn whatever that is that’s going to get you where you want to go.

It’s that simple.

It’s not easy.


Start doing and/or learning what you need to, or accept where you’re at right now. Because life doesn’t just get better because you wish it so.

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